
Featured Teachers

Andrea H. (1).png

"As a K-12 music teacher I have been looking for software for to use to plan my busy day. I teach 8 classes every day. My biggest challenge is planning. I know what I want to do, but how to communicate that to my administrators in the clearest and concise fashion each week. This is the best teacher planner software I have ever used! It is simply fantastic. It is easy to learn and begin planning right way. I love the way it looks on the screen, and its ease in navigation through my many classes.  Thanks for creating such an effective tool for educators! It is great!"

Andrea H. (2).png

"I have spent a lot of time researching and trying out online plan-books, and have decided that Planbook Plus is the one I will use this upcoming school year. I did take time to set up a few different plan books, and this one has impressed me the most. I have been satisfied with the ease of use so far, and I have not experienced anything that has made me consider looking more closely at the other resources I tried. I believe that this plan book will satisfy administration, and be a great artifact example for my teacher evaluation process.”

More Teacher Testimonials

  • “This is exactly what I was looking for in an online planbook. It took a bit of practice, but once I understood the interface, I really came to enjoy the depth and breadth of features. It is wonderful that I can make a timeline public for my families and I enjoy running the standards-based reports to check against my curriculum. I think I will certainly subscribe at the end of my trial and ditch my old planner! Keep up the great work.”
    — Mark D., Technology Teacher
  • I have only been using Planbook Plus for a few days but I have already found that the organization of my lesson has increased. In addition, the easy access to standards helps me keep my procedures in alignment with the expectations of the standards. Lastly, viewing the calendar gives me insight to whether my plans are too ambitious, lacking, or just enough.”
    — Veronica M., 8th Grade Reading, Writing, and Speaking and Listening
  • I teach 7th and 8th grade math. My school currently offers us a free subscription to another online planbook and while it was okay, it was very basic. The advanced features Planbook Plus offers make a big difference to me, especially as a new teacher. Moreover, I find that the webinars, informational emails and support you offer is far superior and very helpful. I have already told some of my colleagues and will continue to share as I learn more."
    — Elisa R., 7th and 8th grade Math Teacher
  • Finally! A digital plan book that is versatile enough to do everything I need it to do. No more paper binders for me! It has my state's standards, so I am very happy about PB+!”
    — L. Phillips, English 8/World Geography Teacher

Video Testimonials