Keep your plans alive, relevant and fresh by adjusting and improving them as you go.
Create custom lesson elements templates for each planbook.
Organize your lessons into units and sub-units on the timeline.
Attach resources for yourself and students to your plan.
Print your daily and weekly lessons plans for administrators or sub plans.
Attach any standards to your plans and run coverage reports.
Year over Year
Re-use plans from one year to another to save you time.
It is difficult designing instructional plans to meet the needs of students, while juggling the demands of standards and time. Our online lesson planner is the solution. No other lesson planning software allows you to manage your lesson plans as efficiently as Planbook Plus.
Planning Views in Planbook Plus
Your Day
Easily create, review and modify all lesson plans from the Calendar View to better prepare for one class or the entire day.
Your Week
Maximize instructional time, alignment and flow for an entire week, all from one screen with our Weekly Planner.
Your Year
Quickly map out your lessons, a unit, or an entire curriculum using our Timeline view.